From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own. Carl Schurz

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Playing the Whore

That's the title of journalist and sex worker Melissa Gira Grant's book subtitled The Work of Sex Work. In the video below she sits down with Laura Flanders to discuss the subject. Please take the time to hear what she has to say.

As you likely know the topic of sex work is a topical one here in Canada with the Supreme Court striking down our current laws.

Sadly those who wish to moralize and maintain the punishment model have deliberately conflated sex work with human trafficking and slavery.

There is a world of difference between these issues. We already have the laws we need to deal with the trafficking and slavery component, the court left them untouched, although we need to do a better job of policing it.

For those however who voluntarily engage in sex work no laws are needed in fact every proposed solution to control the trade and "protect" these workers makes them unlike what the concern trolls tell us, much more unsafe.

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